Concussion Assessment and Treatment

What is a concussion?

A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury caused by a blow to the head, neck, and/or body, resulting in the brain moving rapidly back and forth within the skull. This causes a stretching and shearing of the brain cells.A concussion is a temporary functional injury. Patients with concussion can present with a wide range of signs and symptoms that can evolve over time.Although most signs and symptoms resolve within 7-14 days, full recovery isn’t achieved until 3-4 weeks. Up to 30-40% of patients experience persistent symptoms after 4 weeks, with 25% of patients not returning to work within 6 months.The research shows that early detection and intervention, especially within the first week of injury, is the key to full recovery and preventing post-concussion syndrome. This short video explains more about concussion.

What we offer: 

Baseline testing for individuals and/or teams

Baseline testing is a series of functional and cognitive tests done prior to sustaining a concussion. The purpose of baseline testing is to establish how someone functions normally and assist in safe return to school, work, and sport decisions.
At Fiskco, we offer baseline testing for teams as well as individuals. 
To book an appointment for baseline testing, please call the clinic on 604-946-3713.

Assessment and treatment of acute concussion and post-concussion syndrome

Concussion assessment includes
    • neurological exam,
    • cervical spine exam,
    • cognitive testing,
    • balance testing, and
    • vestibulo-oculomotor assessment.
We offer comprehensive education on concussion recovery, sleep, nutrition, supplementation and return to school, work and sport protocols.Depending on how a patient presents, treatment can include cervical spine manipulation and mobilization, soft tissue therapy, cupping therapy, and prescribed exercises.

About Dr. Kristina Cukic:

Having sustained a number of concussions while playing competitive ice hockey and soccer, Dr. Cukic has first-hand experience with concussive injury and the struggles one can face throughout their recovery.
Her experience with concussion motivated Dr. Cukic to pursue training on concussion assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation. She has completed training with Complete Concussion Management and Shift Concussion Management